She is this beautiful, quiet, sensitive child -
smooshed right in between the Teenager and the Twins.
Talk about being invisible....
But last night I watched and listened in amazement as my invisible middle child
walked out on the stage and into the limelight, reminding me to pay close attention, 'cause she's growing up and finding her very visible place in this world.
She came home one day saying with a shrug and a smile that the lead role in the musical (the princess) was hers and that she had three solos, and that she was very happy about it.
The months following that, she spoke only a little of the preparations and there was not a single after-school rehearsal. We dug a "ball gown" out of grandma's dress-up box, and I scrubbed it with a magic marker to erase some stains...and sewed it up a little, but that was the extent of my involvement.
So last night I was surprised and delighted to find that my beautiful, quiet, sensitive child has an above-average (I'm just sayin') singing voice, wonderful comic timing and also, she can dance.

(Not too much singing in this video, just cuteness)
Awww, Heather, I LOVE it! Thank you so much for putting out that video! It made me feel like I was there!
The girls came home just ranting and raving all about it. They had SUCH a fun time!
I'm so proud of Kara! I love the picture of you and Matt and especially are beaming!
Chills! Smiled all the way through it! I would have LOVED to have done that in school. But, um...our homeschool didn't exactly have the drama thing goin. Oh, she did wonderful...and I hope she found so much joy in it and does much more!!! xoxo
awww that was really cute!
i wish i could have gone! it looked like a good play...
wat was she supposed to be drinking by the way? ...punch...? haha go kara! ;)
So awesome!!!! Really pretty voice!!
She was awesome!
You must be so proud!!!
She is adorable! And they got all that organized with NO after school practices?! I'm impressed! She must be a prodigy!
Great job "Middle Child"!!! :)
And great costume too! I bet you guys were so proud!!!
Wow - good for her! That's so exciting!
Simply mahvelous, dahling!!!
quiet and sensitive, but now she's a STAR! :)
Thanks for sharing..
Work from home
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