Monday, April 20, 2009

'Poo Update

Day Two of no 'Poo...

Everything is proceeding nicely - my hair is shiny, soft and manageable (so far).

But more importantly, I've had several questions about recipes and sources, so here are some that I use:

Dishwasher Detergent:
Equal parts Borax and Baking Soda
(I keep mine in a Cool Whip container under the sink and spoon it into the detergent cup of the dishwasher - it sure beats those metal-spout torture devices on regular detergent - and way, way cheaper).

Laundry Detergent:
One bar grated Ivory Soap
One cup Borax
One cup Washing Soda (different from baking soda - found in the laundry section next to the Borax)
Use 2 Tablespoons per load
(Use vinegar in the rinse cup for softer clothes)

Crystal Rock Deodorant Stick
It lasts at least a year (mine fell out of the holder but I still use it, nearing year 2)

Here's a tip from mrc-w over at Good Things In This World
A recipe for "green" dryer sheets:

Fill a bucket or other container with 2 parts water, 1 part fabric softener. Throw a couple of small sponges (regular sponges cut in half) to soak. When you need a "dryer sheet," wring out the excess from one sponge and throw it in the dryer with your clothes.



Diane said...

Very cool! I'll have to be on the lookout for Borax. I have no idea where that'll be.

Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of going green if you're still using fabric softener?

Diane said...

Oh and I don't dry clothes in the dryer so it won't work for me anyway, huh?

mrc-w said...

Ooh thanks for the shout out! :)
I love all these green ideas, especially around Earth Day!

Kulio said...

The green part of the fabric softener idea is that you're not using and throwing away dryer sheets. But I do think you could use a solution of vinegar/water/vanilla in place of the fabric softener to make it even greener!

Oh and if you're hanging out your clothes then you win my deah.

Earth Day, right, that's Wednesday!

Beth said...

I may try some of these recipes out. Interesting that the 'poo is making your hair curlier.

Heidi Lee said...

Thats really cool Heather. I think it's neat your doing all that homemade stuff. Maybe I will try the dish stuff if I get ambitious.

I need my Tide though..mmmmm and Downy..another mmmmmmm...and I ONLY use it on GOOD clothes (like mainly Chris and I because we don't dirty ours as fast) so it lasts me a long time!!

mrc-w said...

Heather, we need a 3rd day update on your experiment!! :)