Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Small Town Cool

We pulled up to the high school this morning,
and drove slowly and carefully through the parking lot.

Lots of kids standing around admiring each other's rides.

It was, "Drive Your Tractor To School Day."

I love small town life.



Michelle said...


Brent said...

We had a Massey Ferguson deliver a prom couple last year! Ah, life in the country.

Heidi Lee said...


Thats great!

Beth said...

Holy cow! I live in Podunksville and even WE don't drive tractors to school. How awesome!

Kristy said...


Small towns rock the Casbah.

Wilde said...

It used to happen at Caledonia HS--maybe still does. It's cool. They even have an FFA Queen in the homecoming parade. (Future Farmers of America)

Kelle said...

Oh, I love it. Totally laughing. I do remember Caledonia had a "Beef Queen" and, as illustrious as that title must have been in that city, I can't help but think if I was a senior, I would do anything to not get that crown.

Beth said...

I left you an award at my place. :)

Anonymous said...

I miss the small town life.

Now I live in a big city and I miss my small town.

department of corrections said...

Actually, storytellers... I hate to burst the romanticized provincial life bubble, but Caledonia did not have a drive-your-tractor to school day. Modern child labor laws prohibit minors from tilling the fields during compulsory school hours, even in Caledonia. As for the beef queen, that is also a fabrication. There may have been some sort of livestock queen at the county fair, but even then I don't think anyone would have been cruel enough to call her a beef queen. Even in Caledonia. Many of my friends were in FFA and they were anything but quaint. Most of them went on to become research scientists, botanists, biologists, or horticulturists, not tractor-driving hillbillies who exist solely for the amusement of white middle class american bloggers. As "retro" as it may seem to romanticize the "farm" life, keep in mind that most of this nation's farming is done by migrant workers who are don't live in verdant pastures or even own the machinery which, if maims them, will not even be covered by decent medical insurance. Happy "farming."

Emma said...

sorry, that came off a lot bossier than I meant it. I forget sometimes I am not in a court room. (your honor I OBJECT to counsel's objections to my objections! oh... sorry) I will shuck corn or snap peas for anyone whom I've offended.

Also, I just really love my Caledonia, in all of its farmy glory. =)

Kulio said...

Oh my goodness, YES! The kids in FFA at our school are SO sharp! They're winning scholarships to big schools, making huge contributions to the community -- they will be the movers and shakers of tomorrow for sure. That's part of what I love about small town life -- these kids know the value of touching the soil they live on, and they're proud of it. I love that their ideals are rubbing off on my own kids. Nobody advertises Drive Your Tractor to school day, they just choose a day and do it - it's awesome. :-)

krishna kashyap av said...

Nice... Its really cool and bright...
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