Tonight the phone rang, and I answered it.
My mouth dropped open and my eyes got really big.
I started gesturing toward the phone with my eyebrows really high,
waving my hands to get the children's attention, pointing at the phone, and pretending to mouth words to them.
I put my hand over the mouthpiece and with great emphasis said,
"It's MITT ROMNEY!" they all gasped.
They started running around shrieking to each other while I shushed them and paced the floor,
phone pressed to my ear.
"Mom," one of them, breathless, rushed back up to me, ecstatic,
"Mom. WHO is Mitt Romney?!!!"
I waved them off pretending to listen intently.
Then I beckoned them to come, and with finger to my mouth,
in turn pressed the receiver to their ears.
They responded beautifully,
awed, reverent even...
and nodded importantly to each other.
The masses are easily impressed.