Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Close One

If I hadn't cleaned the fridge last night,
I may not have realized how dangerously low we are on
parmesan cheese.

And jelly.




Karaeleanor said...

HA HA HA!!! wow we should get some!

Beth said...

I am so glad you took inventory. Now there is no need for anyone to freak out. The earth will not tilt on it's axis.

Carry on.

Michelle said...

This made me incredibly happy. Thank you for this.

Michelle said...

This made me incredibly happy. Thank you for this.

Heidi Lee said...

Thats so stinkin funny. I love that. That happens to me a lot too, but I never have THAT many jars!!

kool kenna said...


Wilde said...

That was so funny, I laughed out loud! Now, instead of, "Would you like fries with that?" :o)

Lisa Y. said...

I do the same thing with one seems to want to finish the last of it and it gets shoved to the back. Ugh!