Saturday, June 06, 2009

Casual Cool

I keep waiting for somebody to notice the awesome bruise on my shin
so that I can tell them I got it riding my son's skateboard.

I'm pretty sure my son would rather I keep that info to myself.



Anonymous said...
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Beth said...

OMG! You are hilarious!

And way to go on the skateboard. Those things scare me.

Anonymous said...

I bet you looked way cooler then the girl on the cover....until you fell...

Heidi Lee said...

Um...that was from ME...not Sophie.

I am about to outlaw this computer from my children.

Beth said...

You always leave the best comments and advice. I read what you wrote to my husband and he said you were exactly right. Thanks for making me feel better. No apologies!

patresa hartman said...

so cool!

and p.s. thank you for always saying such nice, encouraging things on my blog. it makes me feel good. :)