This morning I am up really early, before anyone else, with just the Christmas tree lights on (oh and the soft glow of the computer monitor...), and my cup of fresh coffee, with vanilla spiced rum creamer in it. Yummy.
I love mornings like this - outside there is most definitely a beautiful "blanket" of snow, and it is sooo quiet and dark. It's a day to stay home, wrapped in a quilt, watching "The Bells of Saint Mary" or maybe "Holiday Inn". Something black and white for sure.
But, we have the Children's Christmas Program to attend this morning, with an angel and a shepherd who have "pieces" just like in the olden days when we were young. They line up next to the microphone and either crane up or stand stooped with neck hanging down, because that microphone remains at one unvarying height, and nobody thinks to adjust it until they get to the children who are nearly in junior high and are desperately wishing that the whole thing would be over with so they could get down to the punch and cookies in the Fellowship Hall....and so one particularly dear, but tall girl begins her piece and at that moment the Director lady decides to make her move, adjusting the mic stand with the girl hovering over the top...everyone is sure she will get a bloody lip when it is finally jolted out of its place into a new height.
My angel likes to stand in the back when they all crowd to the front of the platform to sing, "Away In A Manger". I can usually only see the top of her head. My shepherd places himself prominently in the front, singing loud and clear, just happy as a clam to be able to have a good view of the congregation.
Speaking of "Away In A Manger", this year they are performing it in a key that is way too low for the children. The sound sort of disappears at the ends of the phrases. Then the Director lady, who doesn't understand music, approaches from the side and gives them the urgent direction to "Sing Louder!" and they all notch it up about a fourth...taking them into an entirely new key. The guitarist can't adjust and just continues to strum with a pained expression on his face.
Ah, some things are so beautifully predictable. I sit in the back row, with my knees hugged up to my chin, and I just grin and grin.
Ah, you are grinning because you know that you are not the director-lady this year!
We skipped the musicale this year (and I cannot emphasize how much more "Musicale" than old-fashioned Christmas pageant we had at our church this year). We totally skipped out - stayed home on the last 2 months of Wednesday nights when they had rehearsals. Then we attended the Service of Lessons and Carols at the Episcopal church on that evening instead.
And do you know what? Not ONE of my kids ever questioned that decision or seemed sad to not be in the play. Not a one.
I'm not saying that I don't want to do the musical thing again....but it was nice to have a year off.
oh my goodness, good for you!
This morning my children were in snowpants before 7:30am. When they came in hot and flushed we told them church was cancelled - YEAY they said. Yikes. Neither of the twins really want to be in that pageant...but...it's rescheduled until next week.
laughing very hard at the Away in a Manger rendition...sounds like they were overcompensating a bit as normally, it starts so HIGH,it often resembles the sound of mice. I can just hear their voices trailing off and then coming back in on a whole 'nuther key...were people laughing?
we had church canceled to, i was kinda happy but felt bad if i said yay!
Kool Kenna EVERYONE was thinking Yeay even if they didn't say it, so do not worry :-)
I've been watching these practices cjs and yes...people are laughing...
Love your writing, Cuzin'! Love your stories!
SO TRUE about Away in a Manger! The "sus" in "jesus" always pops out of nowhere, as high-voiced children are relieved to jump that fifth out of the low register!
hahaha, oh you got it Fab....
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