She is sad.
Her tummy hurts.
She is not hungry.
This morning we go to the doctor for a follow-up to the CTscan last week.
A needle, some blood, weight, height, some questions.
Pretty routine, I guess.
But when she's eight years old,
when she's yours,
nothing like this feels routine.
Ooooh! Bless her heart! (and I don't mean that in the condescending Southern way.... I really mean it)
I'm praying for her this afternoon. Let us know how she does, OK?
thinking of you...
she is a miracle.
Oh, my.
Arms out (to you and her), eyes looking up.
Considering this post, please put Eleanor Rigby aside and dive into a Geez magazine. Thinking of you.
Thank you everyone!
CT scan is negative - phew again:-)
No more needles or doctors for 6 months! Feels like we've passed a milestone.
Thanks for bein' with me.
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