Saturday, January 16, 2010

Matthew 7:1-5

When Middle Child argued that Twin Girl could NOT be hungry
because she just ate "like a half hour ago",
Twin Girl spun on her heel with her nose in the air and retorted,

"Don't judge my hungerness."

I love that.

And while you're at it,
don't judge my domesticness,
or my hairstyleishness,
or my faithness
or my heartness.



Kristy said...

Sounds like your kids have the awesomeness of their mother.

CiCi said...

Like, dude, just don't judge at all. Huh. I so like when kids say it like it is. Or should be.

Kelle said...

I LOVE it.

Brian Miller said...

i dont judge...
because the robe makes me look fat...

gotta love kids.

Beth said...

And don't judge my laundryness! I gotta get to work.

I love the words kids create!

mrc-w said...

Don't forget:

Don't judge my bass-iness! :)

Jen said...

That's my favorite verse. Ironic that I feel most judged by my ultra-religious family members...