The children are usually the ones who have the day-after blues,
but this year I caught it somehow.
Might be partly because we dropped the teenager off at grandma's yesterday,
and coming home without him is never quite right.
Might be because now the middle child is a teenager too,
turning thirteen on Christmas Day.
Might be how I grossed myself out today by eating a fast food burger.
(I say I'm flexible as a vegetarian, but whenever I flex...I quease.)
Might be that picture of twin girl with what I highly suspect may be the
Last Baby Doll Of Christmas.
The night before Christmas, it is all potential.
The day of Christmas, it is all realized.
The day after, it is all over.
Now we live in the limbo of Not Christmas Anymore,
and Not The New Year Yet.
It's cold and I'm blue.

Oh - I usually have the day-after blues but I was ok this year. I can't believe Middle child is 13!! I always think she's the same age as my 11-year old, not my 13-year old! (I'm easily confused on those things)
I NEVER feel right when one of my kids is away from home. I just hate it and I resent the family that wanted to take them home! I'm such a sicko.
haha -- oh, so glad I'm not the only one! I like 'em all home tucked in their beds...and I think it's also because I only have him for two more years :-( I also get mixed up with our kids...which ones are the same...to me your kids are supposed to stay the same age. :-)
I was fine yesterday, but I've got the blues today. It's not cold, but it's soggy and humid. Weird weather and I have tons of cleaning to do. Phooey! Hope your blues went away quickly.
You are not alone. By Christmas night, when the kids were all tucked in, I was VERY blue. The anticipation is the best part. I hate when it's over. It makes me so sad...all the excitement...gone.
I am right with you!
yeah you are deffinetly not the only one with the blues. the night we got home from the lodge i just layed in bed with the parents and cried.
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