Sunday, July 27, 2008


They are the faces that I look for in the crowd.
They are the ones who cheer for me.
They are the ones who never hear mistakes.

No matter what I do in life, they will always be my fans,
and I will always be theirs.

They call me "Mommy".

How lucky can a person get?


Anonymous said...

oh my word - none. no luckier at all. How incredible. No - that's a blah word. A better word. Well - you're the word girl. You come up with the word.

Its perfect.

And I canNOT wait to see you this weekend. No email up north but I do have the internet!

JoannCryderman said...

phenominal! (why isn't spell check for comments? ha!)

Heidi Lee said...

Lucky you are, Heather! I love how you cherish every moment with your growing kids. I am lucky to have YOU as a sister!

mrc-w said...

I loved hanging out with your kids at the concert. They were so proud that you're their mom :)

Lisa Y. said...

Oh, so sweet.