Sunday, January 06, 2008

Back Soon

My dear friends in Blogland,

I do love this little pretend place where we meet.
Each of us speaking at our own tempo,
in our own time.
Each of us with our own space.
Nobody interrupts here, isn't that just the best?

I've been feeling the guilty nag of not taking time to write,
and so I am solving that dilemma by sending this little missive.

I am eating, sleeping, drinking and breathing music right now,
and I will be for at least the remainder of the day, if not the week.
It's a crazy deal for me, and soon, whether succeeding or failing, I will
write of this terrifying adventure.

It's nice to know, that no matter what happens you will read, and feel,
and mourn or cheer, coming right along with me.

Thanks for being here.

Back soon.


Kelle said...

Loving you in Blogland!

Carin said...

missing your words.

missing you.

Carin said...

still missing you.

eager to hear of your terrifying adventure.


mrc-w said...

Heather ther ther ther! Where are you you you you! (that is an echo sound)

Kulio said...

hahaha, oh just got on here for the first time in a the echo Molly...